Results 2021
Below are the reports of image recognition results from the 2021 DIOPSIS insect cameras. These can be selected by province and then by location.

Amsterdam, Hortus
Location: Amsterdam
Province: North Holland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Amsterdam, Osdorp school garden
Location: Amsterdam
Province: North Holland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Amsterdam, Stadstimmertuin roof garden
Location: Amsterdam
Province: North Holland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Assendelft, Landscape NH Innovation Program Peat, camera 1
Location: Assendelft
Province: North Holland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Assendelft, Landscape NH Innovation Program Peat, camera 2
Location: Assendelft
Province: North Holland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Bakkum bird dune (PWN)
Location: Bakkum
Province: North Holland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Bergen aan Zee (PWN)
Location: Bergen aan Zee
Province: North Holland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Beverwijk (HHNK)
Location: Beverwijk
Province: North Holland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Bildt pollen
Location: Bildtpollen
Province: Friesland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Bloemendaal Vinkenbaan (PWN)
Location: Bloemendaal
Province: North Holland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Broek in Waterland
Location: Broek in Waterland
Province: North Holland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Burgh Haamstede, bird ringing station
Location: Burgh Haamstede
Province: North Holland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

The Hague, Koekamp
Location: The Hague
Province: South Holland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Donkse Laagten, camera 1
Location: Brandwijk
Province: South Holland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Donkse Laagten, camera 2
Location: Brandwijk
Province: South Holland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Dordrecht, Landgoed Dordwijk
Location: Dordrecht
Province: South Holland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Ee, bird field
Location: Ee
Province: Friesland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Location: Elsloo
Province: Friesland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Engewormer 18a
Location: Engewormer
Province: North Holland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Engewormer 33
Location: Engewormer
Province: North Holland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Location: Ferwoude
Province: Friesland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Goedereede, Kwade Hoek
Location: Goedereede
Province: South Holland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Grenspark Groot Saeftinghe, camera 1
Location: New Namur
Province: Zeeland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Grenspark Groot Saeftinghe, camera 2
Location: New Namur
Province: Zeeland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Grijpskerke, St Laurense Weihoek
Location: Grijpskerke
Province: Zeeland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Location: Haarlemmermeer
Province: North Holland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Location: Hazerswoude
Province: South Holland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Herwijnen Duck Decoy
Location: Herwijnen
Province: Gelderland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Hoge Veluwe, horizontal
Location: Hoge Veluwe
Province: Gelderland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Hoge Veluwe, vertical
Location: Hoge Veluwe
Province: Gelderland
Screen orientation: Vertical
Year: 2021

Location: Holysloot
Province: North Holland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Holysloot, meadow
Location: Holysloot
Province: North Holland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Kapelse Moer
Location: Kapelle
Province: Zeeland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Head of Schouwen
Location: Burgh Haamstede
Province: Zeeland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Wheat bog, horizontal
Location: Korenburgerveen
Province: Gelderland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Wheat bog, vertical
Location: Korenburgerveen
Province: Gelderland
Screen orientation: Vertical
Year: 2021

Location: Landsmeer
Province: North Holland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Leeuwarden, garden
Location: Leeuwarden
Province: Friesland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Leiden, Hortus
Location: Leiden
Province: South Holland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Leiden, garden
Location: Leiden
Province: South Holland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Lelystad, Boer Kok Airport Business Park
Location: Lelystad
Province: Flevoland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Lelystad, Burchtkamp beetle bank
Location: Lelystad
Province: Flevoland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Lelystad, Vredeveld singel
Location: Lelystad
Province: Flevoland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Lelystad, Zeeasterweg flower edge
Location: Lelystad
Province: Flevoland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Lelystad, Zeeasterweg bird field
Location: Lelystad
Province: Flevoland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Nieuwkoop lakes
Location: Nieuwkoop
Province: South Holland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Oostvoorne, camera 1
Location: Oostvoorne
Province: South Holland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Oostvoorne, camera 2
Location: Oostvoorne
Province: South Holland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Overveen bird ringing station (PWN)
Location: Overveen
Province: North Holland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Rijnsburg, garden
Location: Rijnsburg
Province: South Holland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Rotterdam, roof garden
Location: Rotterdam
Province: South Holland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Rotterdam, garden
Location: Rotterdam
Province: South Holland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Rottige Meente
Location: Rottige Meent
Province: Friesland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Schipluiden, horizontal
Location: Schipluiden
Province: South Holland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Schipluiden, vertical
Location: Schipluiden
Province: South Holland
Screen orientation: Vertical
Year: 2021

Schouwen Partridge, camera 1
Location: Burgh Haamstede
Province: Zeeland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Schouwen Partridge, camera 2
Location: Burgh Haamstede
Province: Zeeland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Schouwen Partridge, camera 3
Location: Burgh Haamstede
Province: Zeeland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Sneek, neighborhood post
Location: Sneek
Province: Friesland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Location: Staverden
Province: Gelderland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Location: Terhole
Province: Zeeland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Texel (HHNK)
Location: Texel
Province: North Holland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Tiengemeten, apple orchard
Location: Tiengemeten
Province: South Holland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Tiengemeten, pear orchard 1
Location: Tiengemeten
Province: South Holland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Tiengemeten, pear orchard 2
Location: Tiengemeten
Province: South Holland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Velhorst, vertical
Location: Velhorst
Province: Gelderland
Screen orientation: Vertical
Year: 2021

Location: Vogelwaarde
Province: Zeeland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Wassenaar, Dunea
Location: Wassenaar
Province: South Holland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Location: Wijnjeterperschar
Province: Friesland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Willinks Weust, vertical
Location: Willinks Weust
Province: Gelderland
Screen orientation: Vertical
Year: 2021

Wolvega, municipal yard
Location: Wolvega
Province: Friesland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021

Yerseke Lakes
Location: Yerseke
Province: Zeeland
Screen orientation: Horizontal
Year: 2021