Press moments in Friesland provide national media attention

July 6, 2022

In the Province of Friesland, as part of the nationwide DIOPSIS pilot, 18 cameras are being used this summer. During the installation of the cameras in Gaast and Dokkum, we were joined by the press.

With the camera in front of the camera

In Gaast, we were interviewed by Omrop Fryslân. Project leader Chantal Huijbers (Naturalis) told the camera more about the importance of monitoring insects. Geralt Huisma is placing the cameras at all locations this year and so this native Frisian was able to explain in Frisian dialect to the viewers how the camera works. The broadcast was later also noticed by the NOS and aired in the NOS region news (item starts from 4:33) and the NOS Jeugdjournaal.

Geralt Huisma, our camera placer, is interviewed by Larissa Lokenberg of Omrop Fryslân.

Press moment with delegate of the Provincial Council of Friesland

Afterwards, during the installation of a camera at the municipal workshop in Dokkum, there was a press moment with deputy Douwe Hoogland of the Provincial States of Friesland. Several journalists were present which resulted in several news items in the Leeuwarder Courant, by RTV NOF (Noardeast-Fryslân), In-Dokkum, and Actief Media.

Placement and demonstration of an insect camera by Stephan Peterse of Faunabit, together with Chantal Huijbers of Naturalis and deputy Douwe Hoogland. PHOTO: MARCEL VAN KAMMEN (Leeuwarder Courant)

The cameras will remain in the field until October after which image processing will take place using the algorithm developed by Naturalis. 

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