This summer, about 100 DIOPSIS insect cameras will again be placed throughout the Netherlands. This is happening as part of a project funded by 6 provinces (Flevoland, Friesland, Gelderland, Noord-Holland, Zeeland, Zuid-Holland), Gemeente Amsterdam, Hoogheemraadschap Noorderkwartier (HHNK) and PWN. The cameras are at locations in natural, agricultural and urban areas to map the trend of the insect population (numbers, biomass and diversity) per landscape type.
The above organizations together support this national pilot to further investigate the feasibility of long-term, automated trend monitoring for insects in the Netherlands. By monitoring in the same standardized way at many locations for several years in a row, we can gain ever better insight into insect trends. The data provided by the cameras will also be linked to land use data and again in a national ecological analysis.