Nature Today: Automatic insect counting with cameras takes off
Cosmonio, Diopsis, EIS Kenniscentrum Insects, Faunabit, Iconize, Naturalis Biodiversity...
DIOPSIS insect camera update May 2021
The first batch of the new insect camera design is currently being produced and will arrive in the Netherlands this summer.
Nature Today: More insects in herb-rich meadows in Súdwest Friesland
1-APR-2021 - On herb-rich pastures in Súdwest Fryslân flying insects occur in greater numbers than on...
DIOPSIS insect camera 2
User-friendly nature photography platformIn 2020, based on the experience with version 1, a new camera...
Lectures on the 11th North Holland Nature Day
See below the lecture held on 19 December 2020.
DIOPSIS presentation on Frisian Volunteer Day Nature
DIOPSIS insect camera Lecture by Marten Schoonman (Naturalis) during the Frisian Volunteer Day Nature on 5...
Early birds radio: Intelligent system recognizes insects
Vroege Vogels broadcast this radio clip on 5 June. Theo Zeegers, EIS knowledge centre insects, was interviewed on...
The black-tailed godwit is the watchful bird of our landscape
Published by Leeuwarder Courant On the photo: Jos Hooijmeijer at the cameraaval of Naturalis, who every 10...
Got it! Intelligent cameras learn which animals pass by
Published by NRC